44th General Convention Registration

The 44th General Convention is right around the corner!

Check out this message from our Director of Chapter Development:

Active and Alumni Chapters:
Register for the 44th General Convention. Each active chapter and alumni chapter is required to send at least 1 delegate. The deadline for registration is JUNE 30th.
What is convention?
General Convention is a time for comradery, networking, and checking in with the fraternity at large. You will get to know brothers from other chapters, learn from their successes and mistakes, and gain an understanding of how our chapters operate. You will take home ideas for recruitment, contacts for chapter visits, and a greater understanding of how the international fraternity operates. After official business each day, we will have a networking event where you can get to know your brothers from other chapters.
How much does it cost? This year, we have chosen a destination that requires nearly all attendees to fly. We are also expecting a smaller attendance than usual due to the pandemic. The International Fraternity will reimburse all travel expenses for one official delegate from each active chapter. This does not include alumni chapters. Hotel costs will be covered for all attendees, including alumni. If a chapter wishes to send additional brothers, they will have to fund their own travel to and from Denver.
Where?The Grand Hyatt Denver, 1750 Welton St. Denver, CO
When?Thursday July 29th, 2021 - Sunday August 1st, 2021
How Do I register?All attendees will be required to register on the Sigma Phi Delta PORTAL. If you have not yet activated your portal account, you will need to do so to attend the convention. https://portal.sigmaphidelta.org/

I will send a personal confirmation email with next steps to you after you register. Do not book your travel until you receive instructions to do so—your reimbursed travel arrangements will require my approval prior to purchasing. If you received this email in error, that means your chapter's contacts on Chapterspot are out of date. Please forward to your chapter leadership and address that issue as soon as possible.

Please keep checking this page for any updates or changes dealing with convention.

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